Wednesday, May 5, 2010

To the Ballotmobile!

Yikes, boy wonder, it's that time again! Time to venture out of the Batcave and into the wide wide world... Time to fight for decency and justice, time to clean up this sshhhtinking sshhhity, and hopefully not run into any penguins on the way!

Yes, it's election time again. And this time it's proportional. Except... wait... no, it isn't! It's being held - hopefully for the last time - under a grossly unfair system. A system we've been stuck with because - like too many things in this country - it's traditional. It's also rubbish. We could vote like this:


But still get this:


And there's no argument for it. Not even the "strong Government" argument the Tories are peddling. Of course they would. But if First-Past-the-Post really provided strong Government, why are we heading for a hung parliament? And would it be so bad if coalitions were the norm? Isn't consensus better than that terrible old Punch and Judy politics? We need to break out of our shackles. We're now in true multi-party politics, and it's obvious the system's broken.

There's only one way to fix it. There's only one way to properly reconnect the electorate and Parliament, and that's PR. And only a vote for the Lib Dems will secure it. Vote for anyone else and this once-in-a-lifetime chance for real and lasting political change will be lost forever.

So, to the Ballotmobile!

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